We recommend using HTTP POST method for all calls.  This allows you to send parameters including the token in the payload of the message which increases security.  

Though you can use the simple entity insert to create a departure like this:

POST /beacon/service.svc/insert/entity/p15_tripdepartures HTTP/1.1
Host: data.peak15systems.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


You can also choose to create a departure as a copy of another departure like this:

POST /beacon/service.svc/insert/complex/copyDeparture HTTP/1.1
Host: data.peak15systems.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Sending in p15_startdate is optional.  If you don't send in a start date, the new departure will keep the start date of the original departure.

Sending in p15_tourdays is also optional.   If you don't send in tour days, the new departure will keep the same length as the original departure.

When you copy a departure, it copies all the costs and prices over as well.

Inactive departures cannot currently be copied via Beacon.  Inactive departures must still be copied within the PEAK 15 user interface.