The following data model changes have been made in support of VBT requirements for Planner 2.0 and Booking 2.0. These data model changes were made in advance in order to allow VBT to start their data importing without having to wait for front end.

Air Package Details entity

  • 1:n relationship Price to Air Package Details
  • Field Name = Arrival Airport | Type = lookup to Airport entity, unfiltered
  • Field Name = Departure Airport | Type = lookup to Airport entity, unfiltered
  • Field Name = Base Cost | Type = currency
  • Field Name = Fuel | Type = currency
  • Field Name = Tax | Type = currency
  • Field Name = Air Buffer | Type = currency
  • Field Name = Shop Flights | Type = Boolean
  • Field Name = Internal Flight | Type = Boolean
  • Required Security Role = Professional Edition: Trip Planning (read, write, delete, associate)