Processing a Credit Card Deposit

If you wish to redirect the visitor to Stripe’s hosted secure credit card page where credit card payment can be securely processed without passing sensitive data over the wire, first confirm with support that this feature has been configured for your account and then simply add to your contactbooking post:

&amount=[decimal e.g. 500.00]
&currency=[currencycode e.g. USD]

If you wish to test Stripe using a dummy card number, use Visa 4242-4242-4242-4242 and change the Mode attribute on the Merchant Account record for Stripe in PEAK 15 from "true" to "false".  Additional test cards are provided at

NOTE:  If you need to use multiple merchant accounts or multiple secure acceptance profiles, please contact support as they will issue you a separate beacon token for each profile.   Changing the token you use to send your request will change the Stripe profile used to collect credit card and/or payment details. 

NOTE: Please ensure that all payments are initiated in the same currency as the currency on the invoice

Creating a Credit Card Deposit for Later Processing

If you don’t intend to charge the credit card until after the booking has been confirmed, you can redirect the visitor to Stripe's hosted secure credit card page and have it capture the card information for later usage from within PEAK 15. This will result in a credit card record being added to the contact record of the client on the booking. Note that no payment is created. Only the credit card:

&currency=[currencycode e.g. USD]

If you wish to test Stripe using a dummy card number, use Visa 4242-4242-4242-4242 and change the Mode attribute on the Merchant Account record for Stripe in PEAK 15 from "true" to "false".  Additional test cards are provided at

NOTE: Please ensure that all payments are initiated in the same currency as the currency on the invoice

Page Redirect

Once you have tested your forms to ensure they are posting data to PEAK 15 correctly, you can use additional hidden form fields to define what pages on your site you’d like to send the submitter of the form in the event of a success or a failure.

--For Stripe Integration

--For other ContactBooking calls

NOTE: You can't combine usage of returnallids and the SuccessPage/ErrorPage attributes.

Process Additional Guest Payments

In this example we process a credit payment from a guest who is paying their booking deposit separately from the rest of the group by simply sending the amount and currency attribute and a success page redirect value that will send the visitor to Stripe's secure credit card page with some hidden values that allow that payment to be recorded properly by PEAK 15:

If you wish to test Stripe using a dummy card number, use Visa 4242-4242-4242-4242 and change the Mode attribute on the Merchant Account record for Stripe in PEAK 15 from "true" to "false".

NOTE: Please ensure that all payments are initiated in the same currency as the currency on the invoice

Capture a Credit Card for a Guest

To simply capture the credit card information but not charge a payment, you would send:

If you wish to test Stripe using a dummy card number, use Visa 4242-4242-4242-4242 and change the Mode attribute on the Merchant Account record for Stripe in PEAK 15 from "true" to "false".

Capture a Credit Card for a Contact that isn't a Guest

If you need to capture a Credit Card from a Contact who isn't a Guest, you should send the following (Note: you must send the invoiceid as all zeros):

If you wish to test Stripe using a dummy card number, use Visa 4242-4242-4242-4242 and change the Mode attribute on the Merchant Account record for Stripe in PEAK 15 from "true" to "false".