NOTE: In Planner 2.0, each version of the budget and itinerary you create will have its own set of prices.  One version, however, will be marked as the Primary version.   The following Beacon calls have been enhanced to handle Planner 2.0 and versions.

Get All Prices on a Departure

If the departure has been built with Planner 2.0, the following call will automatically return only those prices linked to the Primary version.  If the departure wasn't built with Planner 2.0, all prices will be returned.

POST /beacon/service.svc/get/<your org>/entity/p15_tripprices HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

p15_departureid=<departure GUID>
&token=<your token>

Get All Prices on a Departure for a specific version

You can also filter for prices on a specific version 

or filter by other attributes

or control the sort order 

or control which attributes are returned by adding a comma separated list of attributes

or control the number of records returned:

POST /beacon/service.svc/get/<your org>/entity/p15_tripprices HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

p15_departureid=<departure GUID>
&p15_scenarioid=<version GUID>
&<other attribute>=<other attribute value>
&token=<your token>

Get All Price Rates on a Departure

If the departure has been built with Planner 2.0, the following call will automatically return only those price rates linked to Prices on the Primary version.  If the departure wasn't built with Planner 2.0, all price rates will be returned.

POST /beacon/service.svc/get/<your org>/entity/p15_tripprices HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

p15_departureid=<departure GUID>
&token=<your token>

Get All Price Rates on a Departure for a specific version

You can also filter for price rates on a specific version

or filter by other attributes

or control the sort order

or control which attributes are returned

or control the number of records returned:

POST /beacon/service.svc/get/<your org>/entity/p15_tripprices HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

p15_departureid=<departure GUID>
&p15_scenarioid=<version GUID>
&<other attribute>=<other attribute value>
&orderby=<attribute name>
&columns=<comma separated list of columns>
&count=<number value>
&token=<your token>