Google no longer supports the use of third-party apps or devices which ask you to sign into your Google Account using only your username and password. You must create an App Password for your Gmail account and use that password in your PEAK 15 mailbox set-up. Otherwise, as a user, you will not have access to send and receive emails from PEAK 15. This can affect workflows, invoicing, payment reminders, etc. If you are already using Google 2-Step Verification and have an App Password, enter it as instructed below.  


Instructions for creating an App Password:

  1. Turn off less secure apps (this step can be skipped if Google 2-Step Verification is already turned on):
  2. Turn on Google 2-Step Verification (this step can be skipped if this is already turned on):
  3. Create an App Password for your Google account:
  4.  Once this is done log in to PEAK 15 to change your mailbox password to your App Password


Instructions for accessing your mailbox in PEAK 15:

  1. Select the gear in the top right corner



    2. Next select Options


    3.  Next, from within the Email tab, select View your mailbox.


4. Add the App Password (for Gmail) as your password within your PEAK 15 mailbox.
For Outlook or other, enter your email password.
5. Select Save
6. Select Test & Enable Mailbox to complete setup (it is recommended to send a test email as well)
